You’ve profiled the manufacturing job you are wanting to fill as per our last best practices discussion here, so now what? The answer is marketing the job. This is where a lot of companies stumble. According to SHRM, hiring a diverse workforce is the number three item of importance AND concern by most recruiting leaders in most companies (behind #1 sifting through too many candidates, which we will discuss next week and #2 making onsite work environments safe). Manufacturing faces an even larger challenge in that not only is it male-dominated, but according to the Manufacturing Institute, over one quarter of its workers are over 55. Many companies say they want to hire diverse candidates, but push/market their jobs to places that only cater to certain demographics. We work with and have performed a comprehensive study of most partner platforms out there, so you and your team can be informed where you should post and promote your jobs to meet your diversity goals. You can find that study here – Reach for Diversity in Your Hiring.